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Use the following data to find potential areas to target, weed out areas that aren’t a good fit, and open your next location.

  • Population
  • Population density
  • Age by categories
  • Median age
  • Sex
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Median income
  • Households by income range
  • Education
  • Households
  • Housing units
  • Median home value
  • Owner or renter
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Area

Sample Demographics Report

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1 Geography State County City Population Median Household Income Household Income Distribution Race & Ethnicity Age & Sex Median Age Educational Attainment Poverty Unemployment Housing Units Households Land Area (square meters) GEOID Population Percent Change Notes
Total Family and Non-family Households
Most Current Population Year Population Population Density
(square miles)
Total Female Male Total Occupied Units Families Married Couple Families Single Parent Families Non-families
Households Less than $25,000 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000+ Total White Black Native Asian Islander Other Two or More Hispanic 0 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 to 29 Years 30 to 39 Years 40 to 49 Years 50 to 59 Years 60 to 69 Years 70+ Years 0 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 to 29 Years 30 to 39 Years 40 to 49 Years 50 to 59 Years 60 to 69 Years 70+ Years Population 25+ Years No Diploma High School Some College Bachelors Degree Graduate Degree Family Households Family Poverty Civilian Labor Force 16+ Years Unemployment Rate Occupied Owner-Occupied Renter-Occupied Median Value of Owner-Occupied Units Total With Own Children Under 18 Years Total With Own Children Under 18 Years 2000 2010 2020 2030 Projected 2000 to 2010 2010 to 2020 2020 to 2030
5 name state county city most_current_pop_year population pop_dens_sq_mi mhhi hhi_total_hh hhi_hh_w_lt_25k hhi_hh_w_25k_49k hhi_hh_w_50k_74k hhi_hh_w_75k_99k hhi_hh_w_100k_149k hhi_hh_w_150k_199k hhi_hh_w_200k_plus race_ethnicity_total race_ethnicity_white race_ethnicity_black race_ethnicity_native race_ethnicity_asian race_ethnicity_islander race_ethnicity_other race_ethnicity_two race_ethnicity_hispanic age_total age_f_0_9 age_f_10_19 age_f_20_29 age_f_30_39 age_f_40_49 age_f_50_59 age_f_60_69 age_f_70_plus age_m_0_9 age_m_10_19 age_m_20_29 age_m_30_39 age_m_40_49 age_m_50_59 age_m_60_69 age_m_70_plus median_age edu_att_pop_25_plus edu_att_no_diploma edu_att_high_school edu_att_some_college edu_att_bachelors edu_att_graduate family_hh_total family_poverty_pct emp_status_civ_labor_force unemployment_pct housing_units occupied_units owner_occupied renter_occupied median_value_owner_occupied_units households hh_families hh_mc_families hh_mc_with_own_children_under_18 hh_sp_families hh_sp_with_own_children_under_18 hh_non_families aland_sq_m geoid pop_2000 pop_2010 pop_2020 pop_2030 per_00_10 per_10_20 per_20_30 notes
6 Alabama Alabama 2023 5,108,468 101 $59,609 1,933,150 415,017 413,263 325,118 240,671 284,926 128,778 125,377 5,028,092 3,247,262 1,318,388 14,864 69,099 1,557 14,724 129,791 232,407 5,028,092 287,848 330,045 332,618 321,813 313,300 332,587 326,650 337,236 303,212 337,502 336,572 306,042 302,703 317,153 295,116 247,695 39 3,428,520 12% 30% 30% 16% 10% 1,255,864 11% 2,329,696 5% 2,296,920 1,933,150 1,347,792 585,358 $179,400 1,933,150 1,255,864 906,990 320,832 348,874 166,871 677,286 131,185,042,550 0400000US01
7 35004 Alabama St. Clair Leeds 2022 11,737 681 $76,683 4,573 627 903 706 698 879 525 235 11,737 9,742 1,146 132 6 0 0 424 287 11,737 743 597 549 807 843 848 692 896 795 619 660 846 751 907 520 664 41 8,536 6% 35% 35% 17% 5% 3,058 5% 5,635 5% 4,661 4,573 3,486 1,087 $205,300 4,573 3,058 2,356 889 702 279 1,515 44,648,151 860Z200US35004
8 35005 Alabama Jefferson Adamsville 2022 8,194 258 $55,017 2,927 673 638 569 324 549 80 94 8,194 3,393 4,579 13 28 11 0 151 19 8,194 347 373 677 328 507 651 1,054 506 447 585 443 464 243 556 750 263 46 6,166 15% 41% 26% 11% 4% 2,016 15% 4,080 6% 3,386 2,927 2,455 472 $126,000 2,927 2,016 1,371 462 645 222 911 82,225,453 860Z200US35005
9 35006 Alabama Jefferson North Johns 2022 3,391 33 $63,521 1,232 113 320 338 84 313 54 10 3,391 3,137 168 0 0 0 0 85 1 3,391 97 172 289 158 182 308 134 319 230 284 219 97 206 154 189 353 43 2,466 13% 52% 29% 2% 2% 956 3% 1,593 2% 1,657 1,232 1,140 92 $111,400 1,232 956 815 242 141 70 276 269,339,993 860Z200US35006
10 35007 Alabama Shelby Alabaster 2022 27,052 693 $81,351 10,062 917 1,659 1,991 1,464 2,210 1,138 683 27,052 19,184 3,960 13 421 0 153 506 2,815 27,052 1,596 2,150 1,745 1,923 2,316 1,827 1,505 1,404 1,509 1,724 1,591 1,398 1,673 2,166 1,298 1,227 40 18,324 8% 25% 28% 26% 11% 7,191 4% 14,393 3% 10,591 10,062 8,393 1,669 $215,500 10,062 7,191 5,906 2,369 1,285 656 2,871 101,134,493 860Z200US35007
11 Alabama Alabama 2023 5,108,468 101 $59,609 1,933,150 415,017 413,263 325,118 240,671 284,926 128,778 125,377 5,028,092 3,247,262 1,318,388 14,864 69,099 1,557 14,724 129,791 232,407 5,028,092 287,848 330,045 332,618 321,813 313,300 332,587 326,650 337,236 303,212 337,502 336,572 306,042 302,703 317,153 295,116 247,695 39 3,428,520 12% 30% 30% 16% 10% 1,255,864 11% 2,329,696 5% 2,296,920 1,933,150 1,347,792 585,358 $179,400 1,933,150 1,255,864 906,990 320,832 348,874 166,871 677,286 131,185,042,550 0400000US01
12 Abanda CDP Alabama Chambers 2022 335 112 $29,263 79 0 67 12 0 0 0 0 335 321 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 335 0 117 0 5 56 0 11 7 5 68 0 0 59 0 0 7 19 145 0% 89% 3% 7% 0% 68 82% 169 29% 79 79 79 0 $75,800 79 68 68 61 0 0 11 7,764,034 1600000US0100100
13 Abbeville city Alabama Henry 2023 2,377 149 $35,147 978 433 155 127 77 148 29 9 2,309 1,228 970 10 0 8 0 17 76 2,309 36 132 59 100 115 135 318 317 104 122 70 194 110 120 196 181 56 1,855 20% 29% 28% 11% 10% 511 20% 761 6% 1,303 978 642 336 $96,600 978 511 314 62 197 94 467 40,255,361 1600000US0100124
14 Adamsville city Alabama Jefferson 2023 4,172 165 $58,631 1,577 457 270 299 222 180 79 70 4,325 1,743 2,453 13 0 11 0 105 0 4,325 244 252 211 144 406 452 316 327 263 323 279 268 125 290 284 141 44 3,033 20% 29% 26% 17% 5% 1,025 22% 1,983 7% 1,757 1,577 1,262 315 $133,100 1,577 1,025 588 149 437 162 552 67,897,213 1600000US0100460
15 Addison town Alabama Winston 2023 667 177 $47,188 277 66 84 59 19 32 7 10 665 648 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 665 45 27 62 35 31 63 21 61 78 23 28 39 30 72 24 26 38 450 18% 39% 34% 4% 2% 198 12% 368 1% 361 277 190 87 $98,200 277 198 140 45 58 34 79 9,753,293 1600000US0100484
16 Alabama Alabama 2023 5,108,468 101 $59,609 1,933,150 415,017 413,263 325,118 240,671 284,926 128,778 125,377 5,028,092 3,247,262 1,318,388 14,864 69,099 1,557 14,724 129,791 232,407 5,028,092 287,848 330,045 332,618 321,813 313,300 332,587 326,650 337,236 303,212 337,502 336,572 306,042 302,703 317,153 295,116 247,695 39 3,428,520 12% 30% 30% 16% 10% 1,255,864 11% 2,329,696 5% 2,296,920 1,933,150 1,347,792 585,358 $179,400 1,933,150 1,255,864 906,990 320,832 348,874 166,871 677,286 131,185,042,550 0400000US01 4,447,100 4,779,736 5,024,279 5,124,380 7% 5% 2%
17 Autauga County Alabama 2023 60,342 102 $68,315 22,308 4,007 4,286 3,648 3,225 3,961 1,525 1,656 58,761 42,635 11,496 59 636 0 141 1,930 1,864 58,761 3,101 4,327 3,600 3,666 4,408 4,077 3,127 3,792 3,583 3,973 3,716 4,055 3,563 4,014 3,053 2,706 39 40,188 9% 31% 29% 16% 12% 15,363 8% 27,163 3% 24,457 22,308 16,832 5,476 $191,800 22,308 15,363 11,889 5,027 3,474 1,495 6,945 1,539,631,461 0500000US01001 43,671 54,571 58,805 60,327 25% 8% 3%
18 Baldwin County Alabama 2023 253,507 160 $71,039 90,802 14,239 18,405 14,540 13,086 15,443 6,801 8,288 233,420 192,161 19,318 512 2,046 22 992 7,159 11,210 233,420 11,967 14,723 12,079 14,063 14,401 15,952 17,777 18,381 12,302 15,734 12,080 14,032 13,598 15,176 15,310 15,845 44 167,022 8% 27% 31% 20% 12% 61,277 7% 111,079 3% 125,113 90,802 70,708 20,094 $266,000 90,802 61,277 51,019 16,575 10,258 5,153 29,525 4,117,724,893 0500000US01003 140,415 182,265 231,767 261,777 30% 27% 13%
19 Barbour County Alabama 2023 24,585 28 $39,712 9,016 3,126 2,181 1,387 748 979 255 340 24,877 11,084 11,662 63 126 3 290 447 1,202 24,877 1,594 1,221 1,271 1,518 1,169 1,518 1,643 1,970 1,321 1,572 1,913 1,831 1,738 1,619 1,597 1,382 41 17,675 23% 36% 27% 6% 5% 5,722 21% 8,968 6% 11,673 9,016 5,858 3,158 $102,700 9,016 5,722 3,431 1,089 2,291 1,157 3,294 2,292,160,151 0500000US01005 29,038 27,457 25,223 24,288 -5% -8% -4%
20 Bibb County Alabama 2023 21,868 35 $50,669 7,216 1,998 1,564 1,226 1,067 891 219 251 22,251 16,520 4,598 15 69 0 17 382 650 22,251 1,327 1,171 1,228 1,289 1,248 1,274 1,475 1,342 1,268 1,439 1,582 1,687 2,034 1,500 1,293 1,094 40 15,925 21% 40% 27% 6% 4% 4,871 16% 9,028 9% 9,046 7,216 5,465 1,751 $120,100 7,216 4,871 3,617 1,069 1,254 587 2,345 1,612,188,713 0500000US01007 20,826 22,915 22,293 22,023 10% -3% -1%

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County Historical Trends and Population Projections

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Before you open your new location or invest your marketing dollars in a targeted campaign, you'll sleep better at night knowing if the population is expected to grow, stay the same or shrink. Add on historical trends and population projections for counties and avoid spending your limited dollars in counties that are expected to decline. Contact us if you need this data for zips or cities.

Sample County Population Projections Report

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1 Geography State Population Percent Change Notes
2000 2010 2020 2030 Projected 2000 to 2010 2010 to 2020 2020 to 2030
3 name state pop_2000 pop_2010 pop_2020 pop_2030 per_00_10 per_10_20 per_20_30 notes
4 Alabama Alabama 4,447,100 4,779,736 5,024,279 5,124,380 7% 5% 2%
5 Autauga County Alabama 43,671 54,571 58,805 60,327 25% 8% 3%
6 Baldwin County Alabama 140,415 182,265 231,767 261,777 30% 27% 13%
7 Barbour County Alabama 29,038 27,457 25,223 24,288 -5% -8% -4%
8 Bibb County Alabama 20,826 22,915 22,293 22,023 10% -3% -1%

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